Enhanced Access

What is Enhanced Access?

Watling Street PCN are offering a variety of early morning, evening and weekend appointments that are open to all patients registered at Watling Street Practice. This is part of a government initiative called “Enhanced Access”.

The aim of Enhanced Access is to improve services in General Practice and Primary Care.

Please note Enhanced Access is NOT an emergency service.

What type of appointments will be offered in Enhanced Access?


Our Enhanced Access offering is delivered by a huge variety of professionals with diverse skills able to best suit the needs of our patients. These appointments include:

-General GP appointments

-GPs with Special Interests



-Podiatry appointments

-First Contact Physiotherapy

-Minor Illness Nurse


What consultation types are available?

The majority of appointments will be face-to-face however telephone appointments will be available for those unable to attend face-to-face (e.g. housebound patients) or for those that do not need to be seen face-to-face (e.g. blood test results).

Where will Enhanced Access appointments be held?

 All Enhanced Access appointments are held at:

Watling Street Practice @ Shenley Church End

Burchard Crescent, Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes MK5 6EY 


How can I book an appointment?

You can book your appointment via your GP practice, who will be able to see all the Enhanced Access appointments available and book you an appointment with an appropiate clinician for your needs.

How can I cancel an appointment?

There are a couple of ways that you can cancel your Enhanced Access appointment:

1. You can cancel your appointment via the usual route of calling your GP practice.

2. You can cancel your appointment via the link that you will receive in your appointment reminder message that you will receive 1 week before your appointment and 1 working day before your appointment.


If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel so another patient can use our services.

If required, can I be referred to other local services?

Yes, all clinicians can refer onward.

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